7 Figure SEO

Adam Singer (Analytics Advocate At Google)


TRENDING: The All-In-One Digital Marketing Software

Adam Singer is Analytics Advocate at Google, a marketing, media and PR industry speaker, startup adviser and blogger. He previously was digital director for a 300+ person global consulting team and over the course of his career has provided online marketing strategy for B2B & B2C brands in a variety of industries.

“A person is an authority because other people expect to get the right answer when they ask her questions. It’s true on Google just like it’s true in person.”

“An awesome website does not live alone.  It has an army of efforts that bring it visitors.  It may have a support staff, but it doesn’t need one.  What it has more than anything else is a job, and it does that job exceptionally well.”

“If you can’t point to a number that represents your current position and a number that represents your goal position, any growth you experience will be a happy accident.”

“If you want to grow your business, choose a number that describes where you are and a number that describes where you want to be.  If growth in visibility on Google is part of that vision, choose a number that is meaningful to generating business for you.”

“If you want your website to rank at the top of a Google search, you need to convince Google that you are the smartest person in the room for your topic.”

“The marketing and media worlds are shifting … from “tell me” to “show me.” Being able to produce well-written copy alone is no longer good enough for the professional copywriter.”

“If your business is not showing up on Google it is because Google does not think you are the best solution to someone’s problem.  If you are the best solution to someone’s problem and you haven’t proven that on the Internet, you won’t show up.”

“If you want to be in a linchpin position for a company, accountability is essential.”

“Treat your blog like an island. It needs supplies, traffic ports, trade routes, and visitors to remain habitable. Ignore one or more of these metaphors and your blog can become a deserted and desolate island fast – pay attention to each and you will have a favorite destination of visitors who want to come back”

TRENDING: The All-In-One Digital Marketing Software

7 Figure SEO

Geoff Breitling: If you want to build or scale a 7 figure SEO agency, you should watch this short video