TRENDING: The All-In-One Digital Marketing Software
Since 2003, Chris Makara has developed a broad digital marketing background with a focus on SEO, Social Media, Automation and Analytics. He is the founder of Bulkly, a social media automation tool for individuals and small businesses.
“Your target audience is the people your services and products are designed to benefit.”
“Your best bet is to target industry-related sites when performing local link outreach. The key is to try to focus on sites that closely tie to what your business offers.”
“It’s no surprise Google looks at how sites display on mobile as well as the info they provide. Not only does your site need to be mobile-friendly/optimized, but you’ll also need to tone down the use of popups so you don’t get penalized.”
“Aside from relevant links, nailing the on-page SEO elements like page title, meta description, and NAP – most local businesses will have already won half the battle.”
“Every business is different, so what might work best for one company may not work well for another. With that said, I think a great opportunity for businesses to get more clients is to seek out a way to find more people with similar characteristics to their existing customers.”
“Use social media to give your followers a glimpse into everything: from the way you work to the way you live. And don’t be afraid to get personal. The more your audience knows about you, the more they’ll be able to connect with you.”
“Building links to a website can create the biggest impact on search engine rankings. We all know that not all links carry the same weight or value and therefore need to step outside of the box of only focusing on commonplace overused and significantly abused link-building tactics like directory submissions, social bookmarking, article submissions, etc.”
“Within your blog posts, it’s best to have some sort of content upgrade to grab their email address. Additionally, you can use overlays, exit pop-ups, etc. (as annoying as they can be, but they work) to build your email list for your newsletter.”
“Be sure to take note of posts that don’t get comments, likes, or shares. This means your audience scrolled over the information or didn’t find it entertaining, informational, or interesting enough to bother liking it or sharing it with friends.”
“Strategizing and creating a social media marketing calendar is beneficial to your business and will save you time. Establishing a long-term customized plan allows you to set a foundation and make changes along the way.”
“A social media content calendar is an extremely powerful strategy for both large organizations and small businesses. It provides you with a framework to plan your social media content, so you are always posting valuable, relevant content to your followers.”
“Marketing your business on social media is a time-consuming and sometimes difficult task, but if you are strategic with how you spend your time, you can find the right social media platforms to use that’ll help you keep your business moving forward.”
“Depending on your specific brand, you need to determine the age range of your ideal audience and use this information to help you decide on which social media platforms are best suited to your needs.”
“Creating a social media marketing plan from scratch can seem overwhelming, and this feeling often makes business owners postpone constructing a much-needed strategy. Delaying the creation of a marketing plan only makes your business lose money and fall behind its competition.”
Geoff Breitling: If you want to build or scale a 7 figure SEO agency, you should watch this short video.