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Mordy is the Head of Branding at Wix. Previously he served as the company’s SEO Liaison and was a member of its SEO advisory board. Prior to his current role, Mordy was the Head of Communications for Semrush where he still serves as a communications advisor.
“As Google gets better and better at understanding content it is going to be more important to focus on real readability metrics and not something fabricated by your favourite SEO tool.”
“Google’s not wrong when they say “write naturally.” Nor are they being superficial. Writing naturally means that the concerns of the content and its audience outweigh everything else.”
“Writing naturally is doing what is needed to ensure that the content is created in a way that maximizes its scope and ability to be received by the intended audience. “
“The danger in the ‘structured content’ mindset is that it tends to coerce how content looks and feels in cases where said structure is not equally applicable as it is in cases of ‘typical’ web content.”
“The advancement that Google seems to be throwing so much weight behind is not in relying more on page structure. Rather, it’s being able to do so where that structure is not present and/or where it’s not applicable to the content in question.”
“Don’t just sit back and watch while Google’s authority profile evolves. In many ways, you have the upper hand here so to speak. Google is trying to establish a profile and then has to rely on machine learning to be able to execute. That is no small task and the extent to which Google has been successful here is pretty amazing stuff.”
“Google is completely cutting out that top-level “net casting” and directing the user to go straight to more targeted content.”
“For reasons that are both obvious as well as a bit cryptic, Google is looking for sites to offer more targeted content and less generically generalized content. This changes the opportunity landscape going forward in a serious way. And while we’re not “there” yet, the SERP is well on its way towards catering to and rewarding specificity more than it ever has. And it’s all thanks to an innocuous little filter. “
“The biggest white elephant when discussing personalization within the search results is not the filter bubble nor is it the great battle for diversity vs. personalization. Rather, it’s personalization itself.”
“Word to the wise, when you see you rank number one, you have to be able to understand what that means, because ranking number one as your typical organic results. You know, title description, URL and ranking number one as a featured snippet are not the same things, right? Big old box.”
“Every update Google rolls out needs to be discussed on some level. Every update impacts any number of sites bringing with them real consequences that impact a site’s bottom line. The amount of attention due to a Google update should be relative to its overall impact.”
Geoff Breitling: If you want to build or scale a 7 figure SEO agency, you should watch this short video.