7 Figure SEO

Paul May (Co-founder of BuzzStream)

Co-founder of BuzzStream

TRENDING: The All-In-One Digital Marketing Software

Paul May is the CEO, Head of Product, and Co-Founder of BuzzStream. Paul is a serial entrepreneur, having spent his career starting and working on early-stage startups. Prior to BuzzStream, he was a Principal at Orr Ventures, a seed venture fund, where he was brought in to serve as VP of Marketing for WaveBender. Paul has held senior roles in product, marketing, and business development at a number of successful companies, including SupportSoft, AlterPoint and BMC Software.

“If you want to bet on anything, bet on Google getting better and better about understanding what real online advocacy looks like.”

“If you’re playing the cat-and-mouse game with Google, your life is going to get harder and harder.”

“The idea that you can simply write great material and post it on your website – without really socializing and promoting it to the people who have the audience you need to attract – is silly.  You can build it, but that doesn’t  mean they’ll come.”

“If you look at what the best SEOs and outreach professionals are doing now, it’s pretty simple to summarize…they’re focusing outreach and promotion efforts on the needs of real people. “

“A well-executed influencer strategy complements your content strategy and link development efforts.” 

“Influencer relationships provide an advantage that’s difficult for your competitors to overcome. You can copy someone’s content and you can reverse engineer much of someone’s link-building strategy, but you can’t copy relationships.”

“The “create great content and everything will work out just fine” message doesn’t set people up for success.”

“The goal of a startup is constant learning and rapid iteration. “

“Despite what you’ve read, your “epic content” isn’t going to magically go viral seconds after you click the publish button. There is no content marketing fairy. Like it or not, you’re going to have to work hard to promote your content.”

“Building great content and focusing on the community are table stakes. You still need to promote it though.”

“The people that I’ve seen have the most consistent success with their outreach in this changing environment all have something in common. They’ve Taken a Disciplined, Systematic Approach to Content Promotion”

TRENDING: The All-In-One Digital Marketing Software

7 Figure SEO

Geoff Breitling: If you want to build or scale a 7 figure SEO agency, you should watch this short video